Sunday, November 1, 2009
Heights of Orthodoxy.....
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Making of Wireless Car
Now in order to control say one motor, we require 2 bits of information while we need 4 bits of information to control 2 motors. The RF module used here is 433/315Mhz ASK type.

In order to drive motors, we need to connect a suitable motor driver at the output of the decoder IC. The motor driver circuit can consist of a Relay, transistorized H-Bridge or motor driver ICs like the L293D, L298 etc.
This schematic shows the use of L293D to drive a pair of DC motors/Geared Motors. The motor supply voltage can go up to 24Volts safely. But the IC supports a maximum of only 600mA current/channel; which is more than enough to drive small DC geared motors.
Add 0.22uF capacitors across both the motors to reduce the effect of noise on the circuitry. We can also add 100uF capacitor between the motor supply pin and the Gnd. Connections M1-A and M2-B correspond to Motor 1 while connections M2-A and M2-B correspond to Motor 2. These control inputs can be connected to any logic circuitry or a microcontroller.
For any queries or explanations you can contact me on and write a comment below.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Standards Of Beggars...
When I was child, I could see that beggars got satisfied even after receiving Rs0.25. However it was long back. As I entered my teenage, I was surprised and taken aback when one beggar straight forwardly refused to take Rs1 and declared that I take Rs2 or more. I felt quite embarrassed and disgusted. Then I composed myself and thought, "Perhaps he has too much to beg for a rupee. He must be having a certain higher level than others".
Few years later, again I found myself in a similar kind of situation. By nature, I am altruistic. Because of this benign attitude, I tend to pity people living much below than average standard of living and extend a helping hand to them. I did the same thing that day. I offered the beggar Rs2 feeling complacent as Rs2 was not so meagre as to be denied. As a told you I was again given a shock. He refused Rs2 and demanded Rs5. Damn it, what these beggars think of themselves. They demand money as if we owe it to them and it is our congenital duty to repay the debt. I was bewildered to realize that these beggars find Rs2 too less to be accepted. Nevertheless, he must having a standard even higher than the previous one.
Not all beggars are the same. Some respect money and also the giver. My next illustration will prove this . My Engineering college had started. I was going for my morning lecture. No sooner did I reach the college, I saw an old man sitting there. Without paying much attention, I was about to pass him when he stopped me. Let me put it in his own words here. He said, "Wait boy. Can you please give me Rs5 so that I can eat a 'wada pav'. " I was surprised for two reasons. First of all, this so-called beggar is speaking in English. Secondly he is asking for money by clearly specifying why he needs it. Perhaps, he is a literate beggar who wants to walk with this modern world. . His courtesy, literacy, and emotional voice took no time to melt me. I immediately gave him Rs5. However I was later in ambivalence whether he actually needed money to eat or he fooled me. Watever it is, His standard must be even higher than the previous two.
Recently, 2 months before to be specific, I met an old man in the market. I would not call him beggar because I myself am in dilemma who he was. He approached me. He was wearing an ordinary Kurta-pyjama, had beard and was roaming like any other man there. He came and told me to give him some money as he wanted to buy medicines. I was confused for a little while. Then I thought a little and started asking him questions. "What is the medicine for? How much it will cost?"etc. To earn my faith and convince me he took me with to the chemist shop. Now I was convinced that he isn't lying. He got the medicine, I paid the chemist we had a small chat and then departed. He was one of those who refuse to beg, but have to ask for help from others for their smallest of needs. "He was a needy man, not a beggar", I thought.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Game of Sholarships....Part II(INTERVIEW DAY)

Game of Sholarships....
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Environmental Awareness.
He told us that carbon content in atmosphere has reached 390ppm(parts per million) while the number estimated by scientist and geologists for healthy environment is 350ppm. This increase in carbon has resulted in so many hazards all over the world. It has raised the temperature of earth by 1 degree Celsius. All glaciers are melting due to which the sea level has raised. Also the climate has become uncertain. Mumbaikars witnessed tides 5.5m high, the highest tide of the century. Also the rainy season came very late this year in the end of June. Now 2 days back torrential rain and floods claimed 227 deaths in India, out of which 200 died in Andra and Tamil Nadu. All these are known to be the effects of global warming.
He also told us that America which has 4% of world population itself produces 25% of world pollution. All of us were bewildered. This is because of their surplus use of resources like petrol, coal, natural gas, electricity etc. India is getting affected because it is estimated that India must have 33% of land under forestation, however today there is only 12% forest land. Thus we not only need to protect the existing forests but also bring more land under forestation.
The good news: This year the world’s leaders will meet in Copenhagen in December to reach agreement on a new climate treaty, we need them to go farther than they’ve planned to go: we need to make sure they’ll pay attention to the latest science and put forward a plan that gets us back to safety.
So here’s the plan. On October 24, we need you to organize an action in the place where you live, something that will make that most important number visible to everyone. People in more than 1000 communities around the globe have already announced plans—they’ll be school children planting 350 trees in Bangladesh, scientists hanging banners saying 350 on the statues on Easter Island, 350 scuba divers diving underwater at the Great Barrier Reef, and a thousand more creative actions like these. At each event, people will gather for a big group photo that somehow depicts 350--and upload that photo to the web As actions take place around the world, we'll link all the pictures together electronically via the web--by the end of the day, we'll have a powerful visual petition linking together the entire planet that we can deliver to the media and world leaders.
If you want to contribute and help us in safety of our earth and human beings then join us on We will help you to initiate and spread the message in your area.
Thank you.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Eid Mubarak....

After fasting for the whole month, Muslims celebrate their happiness as an auspicious festival called "Eid". People are so excited and joyous on this day. They get up early in the morning, with the first ray of sun, have bath and get ready for Namaz. Muslims wear their traditional clothes kurta-pyjama, put itr(liquid for good smell, but not scent), eat something sweet, usually 3,5 or 7 dates dipped in milk and go to Eid-gah(the place where Eid Namaz is performed) for Namaz. It is surprising to see such a large crowd that gathers for Namaz. Mats are even put up on streets for people. then Namaz is performed with full discipline. After Namaz people cuddle each other greeting them"Eid Mubarak". Even strangers are wished with the same enthusiasm and affection. And then the tradition of meeting people begins...
On this day, Muslims visit their relatives houses, wish them affectionately and eat shewaain. Even people who haven't seen each other for years meet each other. Such gatherings rejuvenates people's love for each other and bring them closer. Children also enjoy themselves a lot. They receive Eidi(a small sum of money) from elders.They use this money to buy toys, sit on different types of rides that come in the area, chocolates etc.
Eid is a festival celebrated in peace without any noise. It has a very special importance in every Muslims life. It is a sign of unity among them which shows that even if they don't meet regularly they are still together and remember each other.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The sign of Eid's Arrival...
People kept their eyes on the sky continuously, eagerly waiting for a glimpse of the crescent. The moon after enjoying the curiosity of people decided to fulfill their wishes and showed its presence for a while. One glance was enough to make the whole country rejoice and start their preparations for the auspicious festival to be celebrated the next day. A feeling of felicity waived over the entire nation and people set their foot ready to run for the preparations.
It is such a happy feeling to see people enthusiastically running to buy the commodities, clothes, decorative articles etc. Children running all over the area shouting out of delight the slogan"chand dikh gaya(moon has appeared)". People start buying shewaain, the traditional sweet prepared at every Muslim's house on Eid. Some busy bargaining with the shopkeepers to cut costs of the clothes. Attractive well designed kurta-pyjamas, pathani suits, shalwar jhampals to be seen everywhere. A man with his four children making hastes in buying his childrens clothes, shoes, topi's and various other accessories. At the same time controlling his children from splitting up in so much of crowd. All these scenery add up the excitement and impatience for the coming day.
Also you can see long queues in the saloons and beauty parlors. Everybody doing a complete make over from their face to toes just for one day. Women making mehendi designs on their palms and feet, doing facial bleachings, buying all sorts of ornaments to match their clothes. Simultaneously preparing Masala's required for shewaain and other dishes.
People hardly sleep on this night. Nobody can wait anymore for the dawn to arrive. They all are busy with the house cleaning, decorations, making more space for the visitors etc. One crescent changes the whole scenario, fills everyone's heart with joy, enthusiasm and impatience. Such happiness is never seen on any other day or festival. I love this night called "chand raat".
Friday, September 18, 2009
Secret of Success....
Everybody knows Socrates, one of the greatest philosophers ever. He was asked the same question by an ordinary man like us. Socrates politely asked that man to meet him near the river close to the village next day. Next day when the man reached the bank, he saw that Socrates was standing in the river half dipped in water. Socrates called him to join in. Man, full of confusion and curiosity entered the river to join Socrates. Socrates griped the man and pushed him into the river not allowing him to come out. Man tried hard with all his strength and energy to come out and breathe and take oxygen. But Socrates was stronger than him and had held him firmly. When the man was totally exhausted and began suffocating for want of oxygen, Socrates released him. Man came out and started gasping. Socrates asked him,"In water, what was the thing you wanted the most?"."Oxygen", replied man. Then Socrates said,"You will achieve success only if you want it as desperately as oxygen in water. Then you will apply all your strength and energy and will indeed be successful."
So readers if you want success make sure that you are diving your 100%. There must be total dedication, persistence and most importantly desire for success. Only then success will touch your feet.
There are some very good books in the market that I will recommend to everyone. "You Can Win" and "Think and Grow rich" are some of them.
Swine Flu Attack
The disease arose fear in people's heart. People began

The reason for such an enlarged outbreak of this disease is that it is contagious(transmits from person to person) within a range of 3 feet and can survive a little longer than usual in the environment which results in contamination of air. This air when inhaled by an healthy individual brings the virus H1N1 in his body resulting in swine flu.
However it is nice to see that gradually the spread has ceased down and now people are back to their normal life with same enthusiasm and pace. Doctors worked day and night in all hospitals to curb it and they have almost controlled the situation. Researchers are also working on the vaccine for Swine flu and government has claimed that it will be ready by 2-3 months and then we can live a swine-flu-fear free life.
Friday, July 31, 2009
T.E Begins....
My third year of Engineering begun recently. It is different from the past two years. Now, I feel I am doing some kind of a professional course. Since the first day, we have been asked to make mini projects and presentations in various subjects. I am glad that my college is assigning projects right from T.E. All these things help in our personality development and they also add up to our resumes. Thus, we can have a upper hand compared to the students interested in Academics only.
I have even planned to go beyond my syllabus to make some worth noticing. If you guys have any idea how and where I must start, then please give your valuable pieces of advice. They will be gratefully accepted and I take this opportunity to thank you in advance...
Waiting for your response.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sim card details theft
If you receive a phone call on your Mobile from any person saying that they are checking your mobile line, and you have to press #90 or #09 or any other number, end this call immediately without pressing any numbers.
There is a fraud company using a device which can access your SIM card and make calls at your expense once you press #90 or #09
Forward this message to as many friends as u can, to stop it. This information has been confirmed by both Motorola and Nokia. There are over 3 million affected mobile phones.
Take care....
Friday, January 23, 2009
Increase utorrent speed
Nokia 3120 classic

Mega Memory
I saw the add of Mega Memory by Kevin Trudeau on T.V. I gota little curious and decided to use the product. I assure you it is really a very nice product. You will love to use it. It really works. This reminds me the statement of Kevin Trudeau. He says" The techniques work because if they don't work they still work." Nice but confusing, isn't it. Try it and you will understand the statements meaning. You can go to for the product
Earn money for surfing
I was just surfing here and there when I found this site. It pays you for searching in their search engines. You just have to do your normal day to-day searches in the same way. Only difference is now you will get paid for your searches.
Their search engine is yahoo. So you be assured that searches will give relevant results. Yahoo pays you for using its search engine. I have been using it for more than 6 months and it is worth trying. All you need to do is sign up and use yahoo search.
For more details click the link below.
This is for all those who are confused whether to join ebiz or not. Let me tell you, it is not as good as these peole tell you. I know, they must have told yo that you must ask about ebiz to those who have taken it. Then my answer is YES, I had registered via one of my so called "Freinds".
It looked very promising and motivating to me at that time. However, after taking that product and working with my uplines I realised that whatever was told to me by my uplines were actually their tactics to drag me into their dream of whopping "24LACS". If you don't trust me, have a look at this site.
I worked with them for two days and I realised that they only want money. The process of teaching a poor person freely is just one of their tactics. They even forced me to bring my best friend into this business, even he was not interested. I immediately cancelled my registration and got refund. They took Rs1250 as service tax and returned the remaining money after 3 months.
I have realised that many people will come to fool us. But we must get practical that this easy-money-making plans only makes the owner rich. SO guys get practical before it too late..