Everybody knows Socrates, one of the greatest philosophers ever. He was asked the same question by an ordinary man like us. Socrates politely asked that man to meet him near the river close to the village next day. Next day when the man reached the bank, he saw that Socrates was standing in the river half dipped in water. Socrates called him to join in. Man, full of confusion and curiosity entered the river to join Socrates. Socrates griped the man and pushed him into the river not allowing him to come out. Man tried hard with all his strength and energy to come out and breathe and take oxygen. But Socrates was stronger than him and had held him firmly. When the man was totally exhausted and began suffocating for want of oxygen, Socrates released him. Man came out and started gasping. Socrates asked him,"In water, what was the thing you wanted the most?"."Oxygen", replied man. Then Socrates said,"You will achieve success only if you want it as desperately as oxygen in water. Then you will apply all your strength and energy and will indeed be successful."
So readers if you want success make sure that you are diving your 100%. There must be total dedication, persistence and most importantly desire for success. Only then success will touch your feet.
There are some very good books in the market that I will recommend to everyone. "You Can Win" and "Think and Grow rich" are some of them.
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